Everyone has a story to tell regarding the moment when the covid-19 pandemic hit. I do too as I had just taken office as PHSA CEO based in Vancouver, British Columbia just a few weeks before the crisis hit. I shared my behind-the-scene experience in a recent podcast, which prompted a reflection on what the pandemic may have also brought about that can be framed as positive to our collective future. After two years of pandemic living, fighting and coping, can we draw a line and conclude that all of it was negative? I don’t think so. Of course, the pandemic brought to bear on our societies and families a lot of hardship, tragedy and grief. It would have been best to be able to avoid it altogether. But it did happen and perhaps we can pluck a silver lining out of it.
The pandemic forced our societies to adapt quickly and evolve accordingly. For instance, our capacity to use virtual technologies to interact, manage and steer all spheres of our lives has grown exponentially. The virtual is now fully integrated in our lives and part of our routines. It opens the door to endless possibilities to shape and reshape important sectors such as healthcare. The pandemic also propelled the use of data science to a whole new level whereby affecting the way we make decisions. It profoundly impacted the workplace to a point where we can now witness an emerging new world for the workforce reality. All of those significant movements in our society’s core bring about opportunities, discoveries and potential to shape a brave new world. Of course, it is for us to seize that potential but it may be seen as a silver lining to the pandemic. I was invited to do a second podcast on the matter as I have had a unique peek into the pandemic as CEO of the PHSA.
Come share that peek from the peak:
In the meantime, may you be well, may you be happy.